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Data-driven models such as neural networks are being applied more and more to safety-critical applications, such as the modeling and control of cyber-physical systems. Despite the flexibility of the approach, there are still concerns about the safety of these models in this context, as well as the need for large amounts of potentially expensive data. In particular, when long-term predictions are needed or frequent measurements are not available, the open-loop stability of the model becomes important. However, it is difficult to make such guarantees for complex black-box models such as neural networks, and prior work has shown that model stability is indeed an issue. In this work, we consider an aluminum extraction process where measurements of the internal state of the reactor are time-consuming and expensive. We model the process using neural networks and investigate the role of including skip connections in the network architecture as well as using l1 regularization to induce sparse connection weights. We demonstrate that these measures can greatly improve both the accuracy and the stability of the models for datasets of varying sizes.
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Contrastive representation learning has proven to be an effective self-supervised learning method for images and videos. Most successful approaches are based on Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) and use different views of an instance as positives that should be contrasted with other instances, called negatives, that are considered as noise. However, several instances in a dataset are drawn from the same distribution and share underlying semantic information. A good data representation should contain relations between the instances, or semantic similarity and dissimilarity, that contrastive learning harms by considering all negatives as noise. To circumvent this issue, we propose a novel formulation of contrastive learning using semantic similarity between instances called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE). Our training objective is a soft contrastive one that brings the positives closer and estimates a continuous distribution to push or pull negative instances based on their learned similarities. We validate empirically our approach on both image and video representation learning. We show that SCE performs competitively with the state of the art on the ImageNet linear evaluation protocol for fewer pretraining epochs and that it generalizes to several downstream image tasks. We also show that SCE reaches state-of-the-art results for pretraining video representation and that the learned representation can generalize to video downstream tasks.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are deep learning models designed to process attributed graphs. GNNs can compute cluster assignments accounting both for the vertex features and for the graph topology. Existing GNNs for clustering are trained by optimizing an unsupervised minimum cut objective, which is approximated by a Spectral Clustering (SC) relaxation. SC offers a closed-form solution that, however, is not particularly useful for a GNN trained with gradient descent. Additionally, the SC relaxation is loose and yields overly smooth cluster assignments, which do not separate well the samples. We propose a GNN model that optimizes a tighter relaxation of the minimum cut based on graph total variation (GTV). Our model has two core components: i) a message-passing layer that minimizes the $\ell_1$ distance in the features of adjacent vertices, which is key to achieving sharp cluster transitions; ii) a loss function that minimizes the GTV in the cluster assignments while ensuring balanced partitions. By optimizing the proposed loss, our model can be self-trained to perform clustering. In addition, our clustering procedure can be used to implement graph pooling in deep GNN architectures for graph classification. Experiments show that our model outperforms other GNN-based approaches for clustering and graph pooling.
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Nowadays, the PQ flexibility from the distributed energy resources (DERs) in the high voltage (HV) grids plays a more critical and significant role in grid congestion management in TSO grids. This work proposed a multi-stage deep reinforcement learning approach to estimate the PQ flexibility (PQ area) at the TSO-DSO interfaces and identifies the DER PQ setpoints for each operating point in a way, that DERs in the meshed HV grid can be coordinated to offer flexibility for the transmission grid. In the estimation process, we consider the steady-state grid limits and the robustness in the resulting voltage profile against uncertainties and the N-1 security criterion regarding thermal line loading, essential for real-life grid operational planning applications. Using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for PQ flexibility estimation is the first of its kind. Furthermore, our approach of considering N-1 security criterion for meshed grids and robustness against uncertainty directly in the optimization tasks offers a new perspective besides the common relaxation schema in finding a solution with mathematical optimal power flow (OPF). Finally, significant improvements in the computational efficiency in estimation PQ area are the highlights of the proposed method.
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跟踪球员和团队运动中的球是分析表现或增强游戏体验的关键。当这些数据的唯一来源是广播视频时,需要运动场注册系统来估算同型并重新投影球或从图像空间到场地的球员。本文描述了在MMSPorts 2022 Camera Callibration Challenge的背景下,一个新的篮球法庭注册框架。该方法基于通过用透视感知约束采样的关键点的位置的编码器编码网络的估计。篮子位置的回归和重型数据增强技术使该模型稳健地对不同的领域。消融研究表明,我们的贡献对挑战测试集的积极影响。与挑战基线相比,我们的方法将平方误差除以4.7。
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部分微分方程(PDE)参见在科学和工程中的广泛使用,以将物理过程的模拟描述为标量和向量场随着时间的推移相互作用和协调。由于其标准解决方案方法的计算昂贵性质,神经PDE代理已成为加速这些模拟的积极研究主题。但是,当前的方法并未明确考虑不同字段及其内部组件之间的关系,这些关系通常是相关的。查看此类相关场的时间演变通过多活动场的镜头,使我们能够克服这些局限性。多胎场由标量,矢量以及高阶组成部分组成,例如双分数和三分分射线。 Clifford代数可以描述它们的代数特性,例如乘法,加法和其他算术操作。据我们所知,本文介绍了此类多人表示的首次使用以及Clifford的卷积和Clifford Fourier在深度学习的背景下的转换。由此产生的Clifford神经层普遍适用,并将在流体动力学,天气预报和一般物理系统的建模领域中直接使用。我们通过经验评估克利福德神经层的好处,通过在二维Navier-Stokes和天气建模任务以及三维Maxwell方程式上取代其Clifford对应物中常见的神经PDE代理中的卷积和傅立叶操作。克利福德神经层始终提高测试神经PDE代理的概括能力。
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为了了解材料特性的起源,三轴光谱仪(TAS)处的中子散射实验通过测量其动量(Q)和能量(E)空间中的强度分布来研究样品中的磁和晶格激发。但是,TAS实验的高需求和有限的光束时间可用性提出了自然的问题,即我们是否可以提高其效率或更好地利用实验者的时间。实际上,使用TAS,有许多科学问题需要在Q-E空间的特定区域中搜索感兴趣的信号,但是当手动完成时,这是耗时且效率低下的,因为测量点可能会放置在此类的无信息区域中作为背景。主动学习是一种有前途的通用机器学习方法,可以迭代地检测自主信号的信息区域,即不受人类干扰,从而避免了不必要的测量并加快实验。此外,自主模式允许实验者在此期间专注于其他相关任务。我们在本文中描述的方法利用了对数高斯过程,由于对数转换,该过程在信号区域中具有最大的近似不确定性。因此,将不确定性最大化为采集功能,因此直接产生了信息测量的位置。我们证明了我们方法对在Themal Tas Eiger(PSI)进行真实中子实验的结果的好处,以及在合成环境中基准的结果,包括许多不同的激发。
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